Trayvon...the latest household name for tragedy in Florida's criminal justice system. But was the Zimmerman trial a travesty of justice? No. The jury did its job. Too much reasonable doubt. Remember, its not the job of the defense to clarify the state's evidence or to disprove anything. Yes, self defense is an "affirmative defense" to rebut the charges. With reasonable doubt in abundance, self defense filled in the missing pieces.
Revealed once again is the morally bankrupt aspect of Florida's self defense law, "stand your ground". The legislature removed the reasonable duty to retreat requirement to avoid unnecessary confrontations. Armed, cowboy vigilante cop wannabees like Zimmerman get to put themselves in confrontational situations then pull out the concealed firearm to defend themselves. Would Trayvon Martin be alive if Zimmerman wasn't armed? Of course. Heck, Zimmerman never would have gotten out of his car. Was Zimmerman motivated by racial animus? Probably. And so was his victim.
They both saw an enemy in the others face. One pursued. Neither retreated so one is dead.
Blame stand your ground.